Monday, January 30, 2012

Supersize ME Response

Spurlock uses a variety of strategies, especially visual ones, in order to make his argument. What is his argument and what strategies did you find most effective or striking? What strategies were ineffective in persuading you?

due 2/1 as a response to the Course Blog

Sunday, January 29, 2012

W4: "American Food" (Winter '12)

Here's your task for this week's post: You get to design the menu for a new "quintessential American restaurant" in, let's say, Russia. What foods best represent "America" and why? At a minimum, your post should list the menu items and the rationale. But no burgers, fries, or pizza. Those are a given--let's dig deeper.

due 2/1 to your Personal Blog

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


What is the role of our “southern associations” in Paula's Home Cooking? What associations (and stereotypes?) does Deen draw on for her show?  Why?  To what effect?

image credit:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Julie & Julia as Memoir?

Given what we've read and discussed about memoir in the last few weeks, how does Julie and Julia (the film) function as a memoir?  Does it feel authentic?  Does it have an appropriate scope?  What common experiences are examined?

Post as a comment in class on 1/23.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

W3: Teachers (Winter '12)

As we're transitioning into the next section of the class, we'll be talking about cookbook authors, bloggers, and television hosts--people who, in part--are trying to teach us about food and cooking. Who have been the "teachers" in your life? Who has taught you about cooking and food (and what did they teach you)?

If you don't like or know how to cook, feel free to get creative with this prompt. What do you know (even if you don't feel like it's a lot)? For example, I'm remembering the friend who taught me to make grilled cheese without the stove, enabling a new after-school snack. She would put the bread in the toaster and then butter it, add the cheese, and microwave it to make the cheese melt. My best friend Jenifer taught me that peanut butter and jelly was even better if you grilled it (butter = better). She would make her sandwich, butter it, and then grill it just like grilled cheese. And now that I think about it, on that same visit she introduced me to the fried hot dog--a hot dog pan fried in butter with a little worcestershire.

Now none of these is haute cuisine. None is going to win a prize. But both of these people did teach me something about food. So if you need to expand your definition of "teach" for this post, then have at it.

And in honor of one of America's best known food teachers, I give you: The Chicken Sisters!

Post to your personal blog by 1/25.

Friday, January 13, 2012

W2: Family Food Cultures

As I read through the first couple of chapters of The Language of Baklava Abu-Jaber's memories triggered dozens of memories for me--memories of school lunches, of family recipes, and of family gatherings. For this week's post, write about a family recipe that represents your family--something like Abu-Jaber's shish kabob, Wizenberg's french toast, or Janzen's warmer kartoffelsalat.  Or if something else about this week's reading triggered a stronger memory, feel free to go with that.

Post to your personal blog by 1/18.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Powell/Shapiro Response

Shapiro is a biographer while Powell is a memoirist.  Use what you've been learning about memoir to analyze the personas of Powell and Child (as represented by Shapiro). 

Consider: What kind of opinion does Shapiro want her readers to have of Julia Child?  In your response, include some evidence from the reading to support your answer.  How is Powell representing herself in this chapter?  Again, include some evidence. What is at stake for Shapiro and for Powell in these chapters? 

Finally, which text struck you as having a more authentic persona and why?

due by class on 1/18; 300 words minimum

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ciezadlo Response

What does tashreeb represent to these men? Did your view/preconceptions of them change as you read the piece?

homework due 1/11/12; 300 word minimum

Janzen Response

What did you learn about Mennonites from reading this piece? In your opinion, which food had the most graphic description?

due in class 1/9/11; 300 words minimum

Sunday, January 8, 2012

W1: Remembering Home (Winter '12)

What foods remind you of home? Are those foods sources of pride, or like Janzen, do you have some shame-based foods hiding in your closet?

Post a response to your personal blog by Thursday, 1/12/12. Remember that this is a formal writing assignment. 300-500 words

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Your Food Cultures (Winter '12)

Your Food Cultures

"Tell me what you eat: I will tell you what you are."

What food cultures do you belong to? Most of you are part of the student food culture (pizza, burgers, burritos and beer) and you no doubt belong to some kind of regional food culture as well (e.g. midwestern meat & potatoes). Does your ethnic or religious identity connect you to particular foods or food rituals? Are you a foodie? A vegan? Post your response (at least 300 words) here. And feel free to otherwise introduce yourself to the rest of the class while you're at it.