Tuesday, January 4, 2011

letter of introduction

Post your letter of introduction assignment here. It should be +/-300 words.


  1. Name: Nick Hug

    Major: Geography/Environmental Law

    Reason: I signed up for this class by recommendation from more than one person. Also, I prefer English classes that are more writing oriented than reading oriented.

    Writing Experience: Published essays, songwriting

    Language Background: English

    Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, Music

  2. My name is Ashley Ferrell and I am currently majoring in Public Relations. The reason why I am taking this class is because I want to get into the Journalism school and wanted to take a class that focuses on writing. I also want to improve any flaws I may have in my writing. The topic also sounded very interesting to me because I enjoy discussing and writing about culture. I don't exactly have any professional writing experience yet but I intend to gain more experience through college and extra curriculars offered at Ohio University. I am currently in PRSSA and ImPRessions, which can be considered intersts of mine along with music and writing.

  3. My name is Sarah Cowden, and I am a journalism major (advertising sequence) in Scripps. I signed up for this course because I am specializing in English and German, so I chose an English course that appealed to me. Also, in English 151 our last paper was a rhetorical analysis of a cultural icon, and although I received a good letter grade, it was still a difficult process for me to complete. Therefore, I thought this course would better my critical thinking and writing in that area of English. All throughout high school I wrote and was a photographer for our newspaper and yearbook. I also created a community newsletter highlighting local community service opportunities as my senior project. At Ohio University, I am currently on the executive board of OUSPJ's Inc. where I am the photographer and Web Developer. Last quarter I was the Web News and Information Assistant to University Communications and Marketing. Both experiences entail updating social networking sites and essentially online PR. As far as my hobbies go, I spend the majority of my free time running, reading, writing, or working on my photography.

  4. Hey, my name is Jordan Paradise and I am currently a Junior at Ohio University. As of right now my major is marketing with a minor in communications. There are several reasons why I took this class, the first being I love to write. Ever since I was in grade school I have had a passion to write about things, especially those I have serious interest in. Some of those things include sports, music and life in general. Another reason why I choose this class is because I am very interested in learning more and more about culture. This past summer I took a trip to Greece with my father, step-mother, two aunts, and grandmother. We spent three days in Athens, which was absolutely beautiful, especially The Parthenon and the other ancient artifacts. After our short stay in Athens, we boarded a boat to my family’s island of Lipsos. This is a small island that only spans 14 miles in each direction. The reason I include this information is because throughout my mini-journey of Greece, I used my laptop and I-pod touch to document most of my travels. It was the first time I had actually tried blogging and I really enjoyed it. Writing and being dedicated to it takes a lot of work. One comment I wanted to make about the class, is that I already am looking forward to it. The first day of class was very interesting and informational. It was awesome to hear from everybody in the class about their culture and how food has affected them. Over the course of the Quarter I look forward to further examine food and culture, among other things. I feel there will be plenty of opportunities to share my stories about my travels and how food has affected me and my culture.

  5. Hello,
    My name is Ashley Bossard, I'm getting my Bachelors in Fine Arts in theater performance and a minor in somatic studies. Right now I'm in the Junior Acting Studio of 2012. I signed up for this class because my BFA requires two english classes above the 200 level, excluding Junior Composition. The extent of my writing experience only stretches to song writing and play writing. However, I have atrocious grammar and spelling skills and would like to improve upon them so I don't have to be so nervous when writing my resumes. My language experience is English, with some practice in French and German. My hobbies and interests include singing, acting, dancing, travel, and any type of stunt fighting and climbing. Also, ironically one of my largest interests aside from acting is cooking, I have studied many styles and always read cookbooks.

  6. Yo, my name is Alex. I'm a junior English major with a minor in Communication Studies, and signed up for this course because I need lots and lots of English credits at or above the 200 level. Wasn't really expecting to be writing about food, but I'm pretty excited. I write for pretty much every class I currently take, so I'm not really a stranger to writing essays or blogging. Ummm... I like sports a lot, and passionately root for any team from Cleveland, my home. It can get kind of rough rooting for teams that consistently and predictably let you down, but I guess it builds character. I write for and am on the marketing team for Backdrop Magazine. I like music a lot. I like animals. I like to travel, and spent fall quarter studying abroad in Australia. It was awesome, and I strongly recommend everybody reading this to get out of the country for a while. The World is an awesome place, and there's just a ridiculous amount of cool stuff to see out there. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do after college... public relations and advertising are usually what I tell people, but I really have no idea what I want to do other than travel. I'm not too worried, though. I can speak Spanish on a very basic level. I look forward to taking this class with you guys!

  7. Hey I'm Wes. I am currently a Senior English major but will be changing over to a specialized studies major in the next few quarters with my degree focusing on English, Writing, and Film. I hope to be in the film industry one day in any way even if it is being a film critic instead of working on set. So I obviously love movies and watching them is probably one of my favorite things to do when I have free time, watching sports is right up there to though with my always disappointing Bengals getting cheered on every Sunday. I also am a huge fan of the Florida State Seminoles football which I tend to get barraged with insults when people find that out. Other things, I just really am all about having fun and really try not to get bogged down by the little things in life that bring people down. On the subject of class though, I'm really interested in how this class is going to play out. I really wasn't expecting for it to be a class about food and I was slightly apprehensive at first but it should be good for me to get out of my normal subjects I'm learning.

  8. My name is Aaron Krumheuer, and I am a junior studying magazine journalism. I'm taking “Writing about Culture” because I'm specializing in English and Spanish, and I'm trying to expand my writing skills. In high school I wrote a lot of short stories and wanted to be an English major, but I decided to study journalism for the practical experience & opportunity for travel. I worked as editor of my high school newspaper and later as music writer and critic for The Post. Now I'm a writer for Compass News. I have a bit of Spanish experience.
    I aspire to work at a magazine somewhere interesting, writing about art, books and music. In my free time I play drums in a hardcore band and a garage rock band. I like reading books & magazines, making paper crafts and hangin' loose with friends.

  9. My name is Shae Ward. I am currently an International Studies Major with a minor in English. With my degrees I hope to one day join the Peace Corps, and then follow with a career teaching at schools overseas. I signed up for the class because I thought It would be interesting to take an English class that focused on things other than 18th century literature and poetry, and things of that nature. Writing about things that are affecting me now, or that I actually care about rarely happens, and this class seemed to present that opportunity. My experience with English has consisted mostly of small newspaper articles written on high school events, and community activities. My language background is English. I also took 3 years of high school Spanish, and I am currently studying Italian. My hobbies include listening to music, playing tennis, reading and hanging out with friends.

  10. Hi. My name is Jillian Fellows. I’m a sophomore and I’m majoring in journalism. The reason I’m taking this class is two-fold. One, I want to make my specialization area English and two, I really enjoy writing. I thought this class would be a good way to refine my skills and perhaps help me with English/Journalism classes I’m going to take in the future. My writing experience is mostly journalistic. I’ve written for my high school newspaper. I’ve also taken several English courses here at OU, all of which required writing in some form. I’ve also tried my hand at poetry and short-story writing for contests. My language background is English, but I have taken many Spanish classes so I can speak that on a basic level. My hobbies include writing, reading, photography, and sports. Soccer is undoubtedly my favorite sport; I’ve played most of my life and love watching it on TV. I’m also an active skier but I haven’t been able to ski much since I live out of state and my ski gear is in Michigan. I also love watching TV and movies, listening to music, and traveling. I really want to study abroad someday.

  11. Hello. My name is Linsey Aultz and I am a senior majoring in Magazine Journalism with a specialization in Political Science and English. I enrolled in this course for the reason that writing is one of my greatest passions and through this course I hope to strengthen my skills as a writer. Following graduation I plan to attend law school (I am currently in the lengthy and exhausting application) and hope strong writing skills will benefit me as both a law student and prospective lawyer. In addition to being the final English course to complete my specialization, this course sounded appealing to me in that I enjoy writing about and discussing culture. Though a journalism major, I have focused most of my time and attention as an undergrad at Ohio University on admittance to law school by involving myself in law-related activities and internships, and thus, have no professional writing experience. However, I am a grammar and spelling stickler, and I find pleasure in copy-editing/proofreading. I studied German for a total of six years over the course of my high school and college education, and ironically, though my vocabulary is immaculate, my German grammar is atrocious. In my free time, I enjoy running, boating, hiking – just about anything outdoors. I look forward to an exciting quarter and getting to know each of you!

  12. My name is Gabriella DeLuca, and I am a new addition to this class. Because I missed the first day of class, I was very unsure of what "Writing About Culture" was actually about. I was very surprised when I found out that the class was focused on food. I am a senior Broadcast Journalism student who is earning a specialization in English. During my four years at OU, I have taken several English classes, but never one that sounded as interesting as this class. Throughout my life, I have been very active in athletics. I have played soccer for my entire life, and also am very into running as well. I am from Pittsburgh, and hope to eventually be a news reporter one day in the city I grew up in.

  13. “The Language of Baklava” is a story that hit very close to home with me. Being 100% Italian, food is one of the biggest and most important parts of any of our family gatherings.

    The biggest memories I have formed with food come once every year. Each year, it is also a little bit different than the year before. On Christmas Eve, my family cooks more than I have ever seen any other family cook. The Seven Fish tradition of Italian families is what I would consider one of the most common holiday meals for people. Even if a family is not Italian, it seems like several people latch on to this Christmas tradition.

    Each year, about fifteen of my closest family members come over to my house to eat homemade pasta made with a baccala (fish) sauce in addition to six other types of fish. The other fish include shrimp, smelts, oysters, scallops, crab, lobster, and some years even more. The preparation for this day includes several trips to Pittsburgh’s “strip district,” where the freshest fish in the city is located. Every single year for as long as I can remember, my mom, grandma, great aunt, and my sisters and I make the fifteen minute commute into the city.

    In the strip district, the fish market there is called Wholey’s. They have almost any kind of fish imaginable, and near the holidays, it is always crowded.

    In addition to going to Wholey’s, it is pretty much a requirement that we make a stop at Pennsylvania Macaroni – one of Pittsburgh’s most famous Italian food stores. While I could write an entire blog about an experience at Pennyslvania Macaroni, I will save that for another day.

    A few days later is my favorite day of the entire year – Christmas Eve. It is the only day of the year that I willingly get up before 9:00AM to help my family cook the most delicious meal I have ever had.

    The room is filled with smells of fish. I understand that some people are not the biggest fans of fish, but I truly think it is impossible to dislike the meal that my we (mostly my mom) make.

    The entire house is filled with smells of garlic-y scampi, fried oysters, homemade spaghetti sauce, and salty baccala, along with dozens of other mouth-watering aromas.

    We have certain appetizers and desserts that are also included in our Christmas Eve tradition. Each year, platters of olives, cheeses, prosciutto, and lupini beans are lined up on the island in our kitchen. For those who have never had lupini beans, they really taste like nothing. My family douses them in salt to give them some sort of flavor. Eating them is more of a tradition than actually enjoying their taste.

    This post is truly only grazing my family’s tradition of Christmas Eve. In fact, I guarantee every one of my blogs could be about something different with our tradition. After all, having 21 Christmas Eves with a big Italian family is bound to create a few memories.

  14. My name is Brendan and I'm a Junior Magazine Journalism student with a specialization in English. I blindly signed up for the class, not knowing the topic. The title interested me because I want to write about culture in general for a living. I thought that this class would help me with that goal. I wrote for my high school newspaper, I took part in a theater critic workshop for the Cincinnati Enquirer for two years and I wrote for Speakeasy on campus for two years as well. I enjoy watching movies and television shows, reading various magazines, playing video games and listening to music.

  15. I am Drew Parker and I am a Sports Management major. I signed up for this class to try to improve my writing proficiency so I would be able to use what I learned professionally. When I signed up for the class I imagined it to be less focused on one particular topic and I hoped to have the opportunity to write about sports. I will admit that I scoffed a little when I realized that the concentration of the course would be “food culture” but I believe that this topic is broader than it first appeared to me. My writing history is shallow, to put it bluntly, but my passion for it is deep. I have done almost all of my writing in English courses in high school and college. My only other experience is from the adventure novels I would try to write when I was in grade school. I started many and finished zero. My language background is again limited to high school and college experiences in English and Spanish classes. I studied Spanish in a two-week program at the University of Barcelona’s language school this past summer but rarely have a chance to practice speaking. To say that I am interested in sports would be a severe understatement. I play rugby for the school’s club team and played basketball and football and ran track from the 4th grade through high school and beyond. As an avid Cleveland sports fan, I spend a lot of my time looking for a reason to believe that next year will end the current 56-year professional championship drought. This brings me great joy and great frustration. When my life is not being dominated by sports fanaticism, I enjoy reading.

  16. My name is Cameron Fiksel. I am an English major, specifically creative writing. I signed up for this class because the title “Writing About Culture” sounded very interesting to me. To be perfectly honest, I was expecting more of an anthropology themed writing class. That being said, I have no problems with the idea of writing about “Food Culture”. This is something I’d never really thought to do, so I am quite interested to see where this will go. My history and experience with writing is probably similar to most of the other students in the class. I have not done much writing outside of school; however, I take pride in the writing I do for classes. When I was in high school I wrote short plays for the theatre department, and also wrote one for my senior thesis. The piece I wrote for my thesis actually got nominated for an award that is given to the best senior thesis within our school, but it did not win. As for my language background, English is the only language I am fluent in. I took Spanish classes in high school, and am currently enrolled in Japanese class. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and writing. I also enjoy going to the movies, playing video games, and sleeping: sleeping is the best. I hope this gives you a pretty good idea of who I am and why I signed up for this class.
