Wednesday, March 7, 2012

W10: Synthesis

For this week's post, begin by choosing either Myers ("The Moral Crusade Against Foodies"), Fedoroff ("Genetically Engineered Food for All"), or the website, Your blog post should be a response to one of these readings and it should utilize the ideas/perspectives of at least two other composers that we've encountered this quarter. Everything is fair game for the other perspectives--films, assigned readings, and Moments of Zen. You're also welcome to include additional perspectives (i.e. other outside sources) but you need to work with at least 2 people that the whole class has read.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

W9: Open Topic

Choose your own topic (relevant to our course work) for this week's post.

Monday, February 20, 2012

W8: O'Betty's Review

Write a review of your dining experience at O'Betty's on Union. Feel free to discuss any aspect of the restaurant (i.e. not just the food) that you observe.

due to your Personal Blog by 2/29.

Pollan Response 2

Now that you've read about half of the book, what arguments do you see Pollan making here? Second, how does Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms view his own farm in relationship to "Industrial Agriculture" and "Organic Agriculture"? 

Friday, February 17, 2012

W7: Food Inc. & the Persuasive Power of Film

What do you find most persuasive (or unpersuasive) about Food Inc.? Consider the stories told, the credibility of the testimonials, the role of experts, the features of the filming, and the use of elements like captions or transitions.

Now I'd like you to write about whether and how you were persuaded by the film.  Can one film actually persuade us to change our lifestyles? How does the persuasive quality of a film compare with other one-off acts of persuasion (i.e. attending a lecture, reading an editorial)? Feel free to draw on your viewing of Supersize Me or other documentaries in your answer as well.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pollan Response 1

For your first response on Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma, you should address these three questions.

  1. What is Pollan's project here?  What is he trying to accomplish in this b ook?
  2. What have you learned so far about America's food chains?
  3. How would you respond to Pollan's argument?

due in class 2/15/12

Monday, February 13, 2012

W6: Open Topic

Craft your own food-related post for this week's blog.

due 2/20 to your Personal Blog--I'm giving you a couple of extra days on this one, but your W7 post will still be due on 2/22.